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title font courtesy of [WWW.WIP3OUT.DE] all rights reserved
'Wip3out', 'WipEout 2097' and 'WipEout' are all part of the incredible WIPE'OUT" SERIES.
But of course WIP3OUT is the best of them all [until the up and coming WIPEOUT FUSION on PS2].
Thing is, WipE'out" isn't really anything new, so why is it so sucessful? There have been futuristic racers before [f-zero being the first]. So how does WipE'out" kick ass?
It's basically down to three things:-
[The sound of Wip3out]
WipE'out" has always been known for the pumping soundtrack that accompanies the blistering speed. But Wip3out is slightly different-and better. Before, Wipeout and Wipeout 2097 had the latest tunes available. Wipeout had artists such as ORBITAL and LEFTFIELD and Wipeout 2097 had the CHEMICAL BROTHERS and the PRODIGY[with 'firestarter'-in fact this tune was the centre point and most memorable section in 2097].Pygnosis in-house band 'CoLD StoRAGE' also threw in a couple of their songs.
But Wip3out decided to be different. Sure there were licensed groups but behind these incredible tunes sat 'musical director' SASHA. His job was to not only give all the licensed tunes a once over [to see if they suited the game, and alter them if they weren't], but to contribute his own tunes [specially composed exclusively for the game]. And the result of this new structure is totally amazing!
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[Wip3out design]
The first thing people say when they see or play any of the WipE'out" series is 'smart design' or 'cool logos!', and they're right.
And the company responsible for this are the DESIGNERS REPUBLIC [or miTDR]. it's these guys that bring WipE'out" alive. They come up with everything graphical in the wipE'out" series. In the first two wipeouts [wipEout and WipEout 2097] the design was very funky and curvy [ "almalgamation" <wo1> and "DosDedos" <wo2097> ] . Then the developers decided they wanted to do something different with wip3out. They learned that less is more, losing some detail [in the in-game graphics] in return with higher resolution and a faster frame rate. They also changed the look of the menu screens and opted for a 'minimalist' theme. Nothing but titles and options. If you leave it alone for a couple of seconds on the 'title screen' the base coding also appears!
No other game could get away with this-it's just too cool.If any other game was to try that it would be put down for not putting enough effort into graphics.
[WipE'out". is.cool]
Many people say [and I agree] that WipE'out" is the coolest game you will ever play. This made games 'cool' to play, videogames no longer were reserved for the anoraks. It was this game, along with Tomb Raider™ that introduced videogames to the rest of the world.
Today many nightclubs feature PLaystations™ in the cool rooms with Wipeout available to play. The people love it. And this is one of the many reasons why PLaystations™ became sucessful.
Now all games are played by everyone. [and that is a very-good-thing]
[ Other sections in the AR3NA ]
[the official Wip3out track listing]
[The next generation of WipE'out"]
The latest in the WipE'out" series coming out on Playstation2. I haven't seen an awful lot of it but I do have some information.
The tracks are now a bit different in that they are more like the tracks from that star wars pod racer-they are very wide in sections.
It's good to see the developers have finally realised this[even though it's taken them 6 years!] cos the tracks in Wipeout were tiny [especially in the first game, as narrow as a sled's width!]. They also promise a lot more multiple routes in each track, some leading of to completly different sections [none of that stupid fork section stuff from Wip3out],this is much better.
As for new teams, I haven't heard of any, but I'm sure there will be a few new additions.
But the biggest news is perhaps the worst..the life-force of the WipE'out" series is gone. Yes, the Designers Republic will have no influence on Fusion, which is a shame. The big question now is whether Fusion can maintain the stylish look...and from what I've seen so far, it can't. Take a look at the logo and see for yourselves.->-> [ low:go ]
The ' Wip3rs ' from the Wip3out forum [ including myself ] aren't too happy with Fusion solely because of this, but we remain open minded, until we actually PLAY the game.
[ The Wip3out Special Edition]
Wip3out s:e [special edition] is basically a tarted up version of Wip3out. It contains all good tracks from Wipeout and Wipeout 2097 and spruces them up with the sensational Wip3out game engine, along with the new Wip3out graphics. Again, while I haven't played it before, I have heard everything about it and seen all the pics and can safely say-it kicks ass. The new [old] tracks look amazing but the old billboards look slightly out of place,due to the old Wipeout's funky design against Wip3out's sharp,crisp image.
I have heard that the colours are slightly more 'arcadey' [in other words, more like [2097] and for some reason, there are no more dark tunnels, and some skies are different.
These aren't the only differences, all the teams and tracks are now available straight off [but I think that ruins some element of discovery and motive to play the game] and all the prototype tracks are now available from the off [if you didn't know, prototype tracks are the tracks that the play testers decided were good, but not good enough to put in the final game, so these tracks have no textures, just flat colour].
And that's it. Is it worth the £19.99 price tag? You decide. [It would've been nice to have some new tunes though]
[oh, and if you already own Wip3out, and want to make it semi-special edition,check out the cheat section and use the cheats that end with *]
[my source data]
If your interested in further information, check out my source list: [:I]<
[dailyradar.com] [the pilot's association] [wip3out.com] [cheatplanet.com] [designers republic]
Most information came from the [ www.wip3out.de ] Wip3out forum where the people are very helpful.Highly recommended.
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